
A small website

This is the personal website of fergus, as a place to put all the stuff I used to share on public social media. Here you'll find some of my research things, some music, art, a little writing, and various other, possibly interesting, probably useless things.

This website is taking a while to come together, as I am building the entire thing from a relatively low level. I've just gotten a Markdown to HTML parser working well enough to start populating it again.

Feel free to reach out. You can get my email by clicking on my name above. Reach out about anything, a comment on something you've seen on my site, some feedback on accessibility or formatting, say something mean, or something nice, or just tell me about a good song you found.



I'm an astrophysics PhD student at the University of Bristol working on accreting compact objects (like black holes), from theory through to numerical simulation and fitting models to data. I'm particularly interested in modelling the X-ray variability around active galactic nuclei (AGN) and X-ray binaries, and in calculating the effects of strong gravity on observational signatures. My thesis is supervised by Andy Young.

I maintain a number of research codes in the Julia programming language, and use Zig for basically everything else.

You can find many of my projects on my GitHub @fjebaker.

On this site

At the end of this page is the index for my infrequently updated blog. Other things on this site include:

Blog posts